Friday, November 26, 2010

The Miracle of Life

We went to the doctor again this past Tuesday, and I have to admit, I almost cried. That's kind of hard for a man of my stature to admit, but in all honesty....I'm not ashamed to admit it. For the first time during my wife's pregnancy I was able to hear my unborn child's heart beat.

Hearing that heart beat for me made everything that much more real for me. At the same time, it made me question how anyone, male or female, could ever abandon their child, a part of themselves? Who could ever actually do that? The creation of a baby is one of the most beautiful things in the world, and for anyone to NOT be touched by that is beyond me.

Being a man who grew up without his father's presence in the home, without receiving so much as a single phone call in the 26 years I've been alive, it amazes and appauls me even more than ever that someone can turn their back on their own flesh and blood! I've always vowed to be there for my child regardless of whatever possibly happens between their mother and me, but now after hearing that heartbeat, and seeing what I've helped create, how could I ever turn my back on my child? Turning my back on my child would be like not caring about myself, because that's me growing inside my wife's stomach right now. I have no doubt in my mind, that even though I didn't have even a mediocre example of what it takes to be a father in my life, that I'm always going to be there for my child.....NO MATTER HOW DIFFICULT THINGS MAY GET!!!

This is the newest sonogram of my unborn little one.

Remember.....You're Worth It!

J. Earl Smith
@JSmith2523 on Twitter

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