Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Today's Doctor's Visit

My wife and I had a doctor's visit this morning to check on the progress of our baby. I'm happy to say that everything is going very well. The doctor said that the baby is growing and developing nicely and appears to be quite healthy. As of yesterday we are 6 1/2 months into the pregnancy and our baby (Javan) is about 14 inches long (from the crown of his head to his butt) and weighs just over 2 pounds.

To tell you the truth....I'm slightly nervous, but at the same time....extremely excited! Just knowing that there's a "mini-me" growing inside my wife ready to grace us with his presence in a few months puts a constant smile on my face! I know the whole process won't be easy, and there will be some times when we'll struggle....but overall, we'll be ok, including the fact that we have great friends and amazing family who'll be there to support us!

To see this little guy developing before my eyes, touches me very deeply and makes me wonder how anyone could ever walk away from their child who looks like them and even at times acts like them??? I keep thinking about 1 Timothy 5:8, where it says, "Certainly if anyone does not provide for those who are his own, and especially those who are members of HIS household, he has disowned the faith and is worse than a person without faith." I don't have all the answers, but I know.....I won't be that man!!!

Besides.....who could walk away from this face???

Remember......"You're Worth It"!

J. Earl Smith
@JSmith2523 on Twitter

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