Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Peeling Back the Presentation Layers

How can we gain insight into a prospect's hidden traits in the early stages of dating. To be honest, that's a little harder to do than one would think. The reason for that is because most people early on in a relationship still have on their "presentation layers". What are the "presentation layers"?

Well like an onion, people have many different layers to themselves. The presentation layers are those layers or walls that people put up or keep up in order to protect themselves or in order to put their best foot forward and impress their new partner. These aren't always used to deceive anyone....usually their the result of the different things they've been through emotionally in their past relationships.

The only way to really gain insight into someone's hidden traits early on, is to try to make them as comfortable as possible when in your presence so that they will start to allow some of those layers to peel back and reveal some of their true emotions and what they're TRULY like. No one shows their true self early in a relationship, everyone parades their representative initially, but over time these true feelings and traits/tendencies will come through. You may want to try allowing your true feelings to show through, put away your representative and genuinely be yourself. I know we all deny that we're not being ourselves....but it's true, because we all want to be liked and want to impress. So try letting more of your real self show through, and I'm confident you're partner will soon start to follow suit.

For more information, you can download my ebook at www.smashwords.com/books/view/24495.

Remember......"You're Worth It!"

J. Earl Smith
@JSmith2523 on Twitter

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